Arthur and the Kings of Britain, reviewed by Phillip Clapham. Reflections on ‘The Black Death and Abrupt Earth Changes in the 14th Century AD’, by Phillip Clapham. The Hyksos: A Response to Donald Keith Mills, by Lewis M. The Placement of Dynasty XXII, by Eric Aitchison. Ages Still in Chaos Revisited, Part I, by Trevor Palmer. The 5th century Invasions According to Tóth Gyula, by Patrick S. Why the ELECRIC UNIVERSE isn’t the same as the Plasma Universe and why it matters, by Robert J. Reflections on Possible Findings of the Black Mat in the UK, by Phillip Clapham. Homer’s Arktos – ‘Bearly’ Polar, by Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs. Reflections on the Writings of Euan MacKie regarding Catastrophism, by Phillip Clapham. The Uluburun Shipwreck – Evidence for a Late Bronze Age Arms Trade?, by Bob Johnson. From Alalakh, in Search of Mitanni, by Barry Curnock. The History of the Latter Divided Monarchy: A Review, by J.
An Examination of Chronological Aspects of ‘The 5th Century Invasions According to Tóth Gyula’, by Trevor Palmer. Article abstracts/extracts of some back issues are available, see the headings in the menu, left.ĬONTENTS C&C Review 2019:1 (60 pp. The Catastrophism CD-Rom contains back issues of C&C Review (besides those of many other journals and books). A lot.C&C Review forms part of a member’s yearly subscription entitlement.īack issues (plus photocopies of out-of-print issues) are available to both members and non-members (at higher cost to non-members). Also, it's cheaper than Hyrule Warriors.Įtc? You mean THERA? It's cool vs awesome vs vikings vs Apaches on wooly mammoths vs Elizabethan pirates vs dinosaur-riding Aztecs vs Mongol samurai vs Uruk-hai vs the late Roman Empire vs well you get the picture. His fans actually started a petition to CA to remove the hardcoded limits on everything. He's already hit the unit and faction caps. Last I read, the dev was approaching the cap for unique settlement models, which is just insane. Hyrule TW is a WIP but it probably has the most unique stuff in any mod ever. Lots of scripting gives the AI a better chance. Rohan's difficult because of the garrison script (free troops for AI settlements under attack) and they can't siege for crap. Gondor's harder because both Mordor and Harad have really strong economies. Gondor and Rohan are actually challenging because you have to fend off a half-decent AI from multiple sides. M2 is kinda arcadey at heart and the devs are doing their damndest to get around that.
Recently (as in, the past few years), they've been adding a lot of mechanics that were really not designed to ever be in M2, like supply trains.