The masterfully hyped Ryzen 3600 may well be the best CPU for multimedia producers on a tight budget but in today's market there are faster and less expensive alternatives for gamers, streamers and general desktop users. Streaming with dedicated hardware such as NVENC or a separate stream PC will nearly always result in fewer dropped frames. At $190 USD, the 3600 offers good value for purely workstation tasks such as film production but streamers should look elsewhere. Cheaper CPUs such as the 9400F deliver better gaming performance in nearly all of today’s popular games.

Weaknesses in memory architecture are not readily picked up by CPU benchmarks but they are apparent whilst gaming. Additionally, the 3600's memory controller, although significantly improved over previous Ryzen iterations, still has limited bandwidth and high latency which adversely impacts gaming. AMD continues to push the multi-core performance envelope: benchmarks show that the 3600 has a 27% overclocked 64-core lead over the 9600K but that the i5-9600K leads by 14% on single to hex core workloads which translates to 10% higher EFps in most of the today’s top games (e.g. The 3600 is in competition with Intel’s 6-core i5-9600K. AMD’s Ryis a 6-core, 12-threaded processor which succeeds the Ryimproving upon it by 13% in terms of overclocked performance.