In fact, XRay is so good that you can be on a mountain and still see diamonds in the underground. So, the developer Filmjolk has been helping many Minecraft players find netherite, diamonds, iron and other ore blocks for years. It is also the most popular in our community. Nowadays, his project is known worldwide and has several million downloads on Curseforge. In addition, he probably didn’t have much luck in it either, so he thought of a more efficient way. Originally, the XRay texture pack was developed because the creator didn’t want to waste his free time mining. From now on, no more annoying cave expeditions are necessary. Simply put, your environment will be made invisible so that you can instantly spot important ores even from a great distance. With this you can see through all blocks. For a beginner this will sound strange, because it doesn’t add any new textures that make the gameplay more beautiful. XRay texture pack has been the most popular Minecraft pack on the internet for years.