Once found take it back to the workbench aswell This can be found as drawn out on the map, between the farm and the power station. Handle: This component is in the first Zombie map of Black ops 2, Nacht Der Untoten.Take the wire back to work bench in the town Look down, you will see a big pit of lava and fire which you must avoid and jump on the broken cat walk to find the wire on the box. Go up the stair on the catwalk and keep towards the right side of the wall till you reach a gap, jump inside the gap. Wire: You have to go to the power house as located on the map and turn the power on if its already not on.Go to the town map where you can find the Work Bench in the Pool Hall bar. Just wait for the bus you are on to slow down and jump out! And you will see the jet engine there. Jet Engine: can be easily found in the tunnel, between the bus depo, where you spawn.As for the locations to find them, the following guide is quite helpful. The gun is made up of a jet engine, a wire, a handle, and a pressure gauge! You have to find these components to finally bring them together to build the wonder weapon!.
How to Build Jet Gun in Black Ops 2 Tranzit
The Jet Gun can only be used continuously for a short time before it blows up and scatters its parts nearby, but the parts can be recollected and rebuilt into the weapon. In this guide, we will show you how to build jet gun in Black Ops 2 Tranzit zombies mode. Pricing may vary by platform.The Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 is the strongest weapon in the Zombie mode of Black Ops 2, the gun fires highly pressurized wind at the enemy that tears them apart. Season Pass and DLC content may not be available in all territories. If you purchase the Season Pass, do not also purchase the standalone map packs, as you will be charged for them. All Season Pass content has been released. The Zombies Chronicles content expansion which delivers 8 remastered classic maps from Call of Duty®: World at War, Call of Duty®: Black Ops and Call of Duty®: Black Ops II.ĭLC content in the Season Pass may be sold separately. Each pack comes with a weapon camo, reticles, and calling card. Re-live the chaos of Treyarch's classic "Der Riese" Zombies map, picking up the Zombies story with Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen, and Takeo where Origins left off.ģ Personalization Packs: Fan favorite Cyborg & Weaponized 115 packs along with a new Black Ops 3 pack. The Giant Bonus Map: Zombies returns in all of its undead glory with "The Giant". Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles Deluxe includes the full base game, Season Pass, Zombies Chronicles & additional bonus digital content including: